Are Adjustable Beds Good for Sleep Apnoea?

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Are Adjustable Beds Good for Sleep Apnoea?


Adjustable beds can help ease and prevent sleep apnoea because they allow you choose your sleep position to keep your airways free and open. In this guide, we discuss how you can help prevent sleep apnoea with an adjustable bed.  

What is sleep apnoea?

Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing while you are asleep, which can potentially be dangerous and lead to other health issues. It happens when your airways narrow while you are sleeping. This usually results in snoring. However, in more extreme situations, it can cause you to stop breathing for a short time. If this happens for more than ten seconds, then it’s classed as sleep apnoea.  

Is sleep apnoea dangerous?

If you stop breathing during the night, your brain sends a signal to your body to kickstart it again; some people wake up when this happens, and others may not even be aware of it happening.  

In more severe cases of sleep apnoea, this happens hundreds of times each night. This not only impacts your sleep quality - which leads to you feeling tired the following day - it's also known to cause more serious issues, such as high blood pressure, depression and increase the chances of getting involved in other tired-related accidents.  

The best sleep positions for sleep apnoea

Changing up your sleep position could help prevent sleep apnoea.  

Finding sleep positions that help to keep your airways open is a simple solution. However, it can take time as most people have had their preferred sleep positions since childhood. So, you may need to train your body to change its sleep position.  

Sleeping on your right side may be effective in preventing snoring. However, sleeping on your left side is more effective as it will help ease some of the symptoms of sleep apnoea while also having many other health benefits, such as improving circulation and digestion.

Sleeping on your front is another option - in this position, gravity helps to pull down your tongue and soft tissue, which helps keep your airways open. However, sleeping on your front can cause neck pain and other issues.  

Try to avoid sleeping on your back. This position is the least beneficial as gravity works against you and your tongue to block your airways, causing you to snore.  

How can adjustable beds help with sleep apnoea?

Adjustable beds are an effective way to help prevent sleep apnoea. Unlike other treatments and changes, an adjustable bed offers an instant solution. Having an adjustable bed allow you to control your sleep position without having to worry about your body changing its position throughout the night.  

With an adjustable bed, you can change its position so that your head is elevated higher than your feet. This position offers you continuous support throughout the night, keeping your airways open. Adjustable beds also provide other health benefits and help improve your overall sleep quality, making them an excellent investment for those wanting to improve their sleeping experience.

What’s more – investing in the right mattress could help to reduce sleep apnoea. For example, our Sensi Mattress boasts deep layers of pressure-relieving foams, pocket springs and ventilation – helping you stay cool and comfortable and enjoy undisrupted sleep. It’s also compatible with an adjustable bed, so you can keep your head elevated and supported.

Try out our adjustable beds and mattresses at your nearest retailer.

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